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Where music, art, and life meet

Let your community live educationally strong with ARTZ OUT LOUD© !

Award winning musicians, actors and teaching artists Donna Wissinger and Joy Myers present exceptional educational experiences
for schools and communities.

Students jump feet first into the inspiring musical and theatrical performance stories of real people and their astounding accomplishments in history, math, science, and world literature.

Teachers love the benchmark learnings and total engagement of their students.

2 women, 5 programs, limitless learning!

Our method: ARTZ OUT LOUD© programs land learning with humor; fascinate curiosity with intriguing instruments, costumes, fun facts, and props; affirm current knowledge; and provide students with the relevant 21st century educational skills of assimilation of knowledge, self-motivation, and personal reflection found in the arts.

K- 12 Programs

Programs Include:

  • hands on and participatory components that engage curiosity, wonderment, and the desire to know more
  • interdisciplinary and curriculum connections in science, math, language arts, history and social studies
  • Florida benchmarks of CPALMS
  • most programs also have visuals for audio impaired students

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